36 real(kind=kind(1.0d0)),
dimension(state_dim) :: zeros
37 real(kind=kind(1.0d0)),
dimension(pf%count) :: w
38 real(kind=kind(1.0d0)),
dimension(state_dim,pf%count) :: fpsi,normaln,betan
39 real(kind=kind(1.0d0)),
dimension(obs_dim) :: y
40 real(kind=kind(1.0d0)),
dimension(obs_dim,pf%count) :: y_Hfpsi,Hfpsi
54 call
67 call
74 call
78 y_hfpsi(:,k) = y - hfpsi(:,k)
82 call
85 particle = pf%particles(k)
86 pf%weight(particle) = 0.5*w(k)
subroutine normalrandomnumbers2d(mean, stdev, n, k, phi)
generate two dimensional Normal random numbers
subroutine send_all_models(stateDim, nrhs, x, tag)
subroutine to send all the model states to the models
subroutine resample
Subroutine to perform Universal Importance Resampling.
Module containing EMPIRE coupling data.
subroutine sir_filter
Subroutine to perform SIR filter (Sequential Importance Resampling)
Module that stores the information about the timestepping process.
subroutine update_state(state, fpsi, kgain, betan)
Subroutine to update the state.
subroutine recv_all_models(stateDim, nrhs, x)
subroutine to receive all the model states from the models after
Module that stores the dimension of observation and state spaces.
subroutine innerr_1(n, c, y, w, t)
subroutine to compute the inner product with
subroutine h(obsDim, nrhs, x, hx, t)
subroutine to take a full state vector x and return H(x) in observation space.
module pf_control holds all the information to control the the main program
subroutine timestep_data_set_is_analysis
subroutine to define if the current ensemble is an analysis
subroutine get_observation_data(y, t)
Subroutine to read observation from a file .
subroutine qhalf(nrhs, x, Qx)
subroutine to take a full state vector x and return in state space.