EMPIRE DA  v1.9.1
Data assimilation codes using EMPIRE communication
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Data Types List
Here are the data types with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CbdataModule as a place to store user specified data for \(B\)
 CcommsModule containing EMPIRE coupling data
 Ccommunicator_versionModule to store the parameter comm_version to control the communication pattern that empire will use
 Ccompile_optionsModule that stores logical variables to control the compilation
 CfourdenvardataModule holding data specific for 4denvar, not var itself. this is necessary because of the difference in x in optimization and in the model state
 Chistogram_dataModule to control what variables are used to generate rank histograms
 Cletks_dataModule for doing things related to the LETKS:
 Cmatrix_pfModule to deal with generating and outputting pf matrix
 Cmodel_as_subroutine_dataModule that can be used to store the data for when the model is a subroutine of empire, i.e. using comms_version 4
 Coutput_empireModule that stores the information about the outputting from empire
 Cpf_controlModule pf_control holds all the information to control the the main program
 CqdataModule as a place to store user specified data for \(Q\)
 CrandomA module for random number generation from the following distributions:
 CrdataModule to hold user supplied data for \(R\) observation error covariance matrix
 CsizesModule that stores the dimension of observation and state spaces
 Cthreedvar_dataModule to store stuff for 3DVar
 Ctimestep_dataModule that stores the information about the timestepping process
 Ctraj_dataModule to hold data for trajectories
 Cvar_dataModule holding data for variational problems