42 integer,
parameter :: rk=kind(1.0d+0)
43 integer,
intent(in) :: n
44 integer,
intent(in) :: c
45 integer,
intent(in) :: t
46 real(kind=rk),
intent(in) :: y
47 real(kind=rk),
dimension(n,c) :: v
48 real(kind=rk),
intent(out) :: w
49 real(kind=rk),
dimension(c) :: wtemp
59 w(i) = ddot(n,y(:,i),1,v(:,i),1)
62 if(comm_version .eq. 3)
65 call mpi_allreduce(wtemp,w,c,mpi_double_precision,mpi_sum&
66 &,pf_member_comm,mpi_err)
82 integer,
parameter :: rk=kind(1.0d+0)
83 real(kind=rk),
intent(in) :: y
84 real(kind=rk),
dimension(obs_dim) :: v
85 real(kind=rk),
intent(out) :: w
86 real(kind=rk) :: wtemp,ddot
87 integer,
intent(in) :: t
94 w = ddot(obs_dim,y,1,v,1)
97 if(comm_version .eq. 3)
100 call mpi_allreduce(wtemp,w,1,mpi_double_precision,mpi_sum&
101 &,pf_member_comm,mpi_err)
subroutine solve_r(obsDim, nrhs, y, v, t)
subroutine to take an observation vector y and return v in observation space.
Module containing EMPIRE coupling data.
Module that stores the dimension of observation and state spaces.
subroutine innerr_1(n, c, y, w, t)
subroutine to compute the inner product with
subroutine innerhqht_plus_r_1(y, w, t)
subroutine to compute the inner product with
subroutine solve_hqht_plus_r(obsdim, y, v, t)
subroutine to take an observation vector y and return v in observation space.