EMPIRE DA  v1.9.1
Data assimilation codes using EMPIRE communication
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Todo List
Page Assimilation Methods

Finish the following description.

Put in a form of localisation into 4DEnVar

Type comms

Need to see what happens if some process has no observations in comms_v3

Fully document how to specify the model_as_subroutine calls in src/user/model

Subprogram diagnostics
test in anger with empire version 3. will probably segfault
Subprogram letkf_analysis
update to allow for non-diagonal R matrices to be used.
Subprogram letks_data::letks_filter_stage
update to allow for non-diagonal R matrices to be used.
Subprogram loc_function (loctype, dis, scal, inc)
include multiple localisation functions such as Gaspari-Cohn ones
Page Lorenz 96 Tutorial

Write some actual description of this model

Write some stuff about this. maybe a separate page.

Type output_empire
make stop codes appear on the empire error unit
Subprogram pf_control::pf_control_type::filter
change these to a longer string
Subprogram relaxation_profile (tau, p, zero)
produce a plot of implemented relaxation profiles
Subprogram three_d_var (x)
make work with empire version 3
Subprogram threedvar_fcn (n, x, f, g)
update 3dvar to work with EMPIRE VERSION 3!
Page Using PETSc for the model specific operators - a tutorial
Write this tutorial