34 allocate(pf%weight(pf%nens),stat=st)
36 write(emp_e,*)
'Error in allocating pf%weight'
39 pf%weight = -log(1.0d0/pf%nens)
40 allocate(pf%psi(state_dim,pf%count),stat=st)
42 write(emp_e,*)
'Error in allocating pf%psi'
46 if(pf%use_talagrand)
47 allocate(pf%talagrand(rhn_n,pf%nens+1),stat=st)
49 write(emp_e,*)
'Error in allocating pf%talagrand'
Module that stores the information about the outputting from empire.
Module that stores the dimension of observation and state spaces.
subroutine allocate_pf
subroutine to allocate space for the filtering code
Module to control what variables are used to generate rank histograms.
module pf_control holds all the information to control the the main program